
The Do’s and Don’ts of Buying Reclaimed Australian Building Materials

G’day, DIY enthusiasts and eco-conscious builders! Ready to dive into the world of reclaimed building supplies? Whether you’re renovating a Federation-era cottage in Sydney or building a rustic retreat in the Outback, using reclaimed materials can add character, save you some dollarydoos, and help our beautiful planet. So, grab a stubby, and let’s chat about the do’s and don’ts of buying reclaimed Aussie building materials!

Why Go Reclaimed?

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty, let’s yarn about why reclaimed materials are worth considering.

I remember when my mate Johnno decided to renovate his Queenslander in Brisbane. He was dead set on using all new materials until I took him to a salvage yard. The look on his face when he saw those gorgeous old hardwood floorboards – priceless! He ended up with a stunning renovation that told a story and saved him a bundle.

Using reclaimed materials isn’t just about being a tight-arse (though saving money is a nice bonus). It’s about:

  1. Sustainability: Reusing materials reduces waste and demand for new resources.
  2. Quality: Many old materials are of higher quality than their modern counterparts.
  3. Character: Reclaimed materials bring history and unique aesthetics to your project.
  4. Supporting Local: Many salvage yards are small, local businesses.

Now, let’s get into the do’s and don’ts of buying reclaimed materials in the Land Down Under.



7 Tips From The Experts On Maintaining Newly Cleaned Carpets

If you have chosen to hire a professional carpet cleaning company to clean your carpets, whether once or regularly, you will have allowed them to look their best and prolong their lifespan.

Apart from providing their carpet cleaning services, these experts are also asked many questions by their clients about how carpets can best be looked after between being professionally cleaned. While no single tip will cover every eventuality that might befall a carpet, if you follow several tips, you are making massive progress in keeping your carpets in excellent condition, including how they appear.

Here are seven top carpet cleaning tips from the professionals at Perth Home Cleaners that you, or your carpet, can also benefit from.

Wait Until The Carpet Is Dry

Professionals use many carpet cleaning methods, which leave the carpet remaining damp by the end of the cleaning. Some clients make mistakes by rushing to replace furniture on the carpet and allowing their families to walk across it immediately. This can damage carpets and cause colour transfer, so always wait until a carpet has thoroughly dried.



Saving vs. Splurging with Renovations

There is no doubt about it; renovations can be expensive, and many people find their renovation budget is simply shot to pieces by the time they’ve finished. But renovating the house can save the costs and effort of moving to another one, so if you don’t want to call Brilliance Removalists Perth just yet, it has to be done.

To avoid a budget blowout, it is important to plan out your renovation carefully, costing each stage and component and not making any changes to the plans halfway through. Experts tell us that there is a time to save and a time to splurge. Knowing which and when can save you heaps.

What to splurge on

The time to splurge is when something essential to your home needs repair or an upgrade. Often, this may not even be visible. For instance, if you renovate some part of the home and come across subpar structural elements. Or you might be tempted to save on the cost of joists and bearers. Don’t do it. Your home must meet all the Australian Standards requirements to be safe. It will not be passed if you don’t do it properly, but even more importantly, it may not stand up to the next big storm. Investing in good quality systems such as water, gas, and air-conditioning can save you more in the long run, as better quality units last longer and require less maintenance.

False savings

Having your roof blow off because you didn’t want to spend the money to build it properly will cost you more than doing it properly in the first place. Getting an unlicensed plumber to ‘fix’ that plumbing can cost more in the long run, so getting a proper residential plumbing expert to start with will save you more in the long run. The same goes for any other kind of renovation. So, just where should you try to save?


Choosing the Right Size Pot for Your Plant: A Gardener's Guide

Choosing the Right Size Pot for Your Plant: A Gardener’s Guide

If you’ve ever admired a perfectly manicured garden, you already know how vital a proper pot can be for the plant’s overall look. An array of lush greenery in a suitably sized pot can instantly elevate a space and garden, be it a small balcony, an indoor corner, or a huge backyard. However, the magic lies not only in the aesthetic but in the choice of the pot size this can directly impact the plant’s health and growth. 

A common misconception among garden enthusiasts is that a larger pot always means better growth. While this may seem logical – more room, more growth, right? – it is only sometimes the case. Just as a child couldn’t swim in an adult-sized shirt without drowning, a plant can get lost in a pot too large for its size and a pot too small can hinder the plant’s growth, causing the roots to become root bound. A pot that’s too large for a plant can lead to overwatering, which is a common cause of plant demise. Excess potting soil in larger pots retains water longer, creating a soggy environment many plants don’t appreciate. The right size offers a balance, providing enough space for roots to expand and grow while preventing overwatering.

The Goldilocks Principle: Not too Big, Not too Small

As a general rule of thumb, the pot’s size should correspond with the size of the plant. A pot that is about 1-2 inches larger in diameter than the plant’s root ball is typically a good choice for most plants. This gives the plant enough room to grow without causing water to pool at the bottom.

However, not all plants are created equal, and different plants have different root systems. For instance, succulents and cacti prefer a snug fit, so a smaller pot might work better. In contrast, fast-growing plants with extensive root systems, such as ferns or spider plants, may need a larger pot for better growth.

Room to Grow: Potting and Repotting

For new plants, it’s generally best to start with a smaller pot and gradually increase its size as the plant grows. This method promotes healthier, more sustainable growth. When you notice signs that your plant might be outgrowing its current pot — such as water flowing straight through the pot, roots appearing through the drainage holes, or the plant growing significantly slower — it might be time for repotting. This typically happens every 1-2 years for indoor plants and faster for outdoor plants, depending on the plant’s species and growth rate.

The Material

Lastly, the pot’s material can also affect how quickly the soil dries out. With materials like clay or terracotta they can help prevent overwatering by allowing more evaporation than plastic or ceramic pots but you will need to water your plants more often, particularly in hot or windy weather.

Choosing the right size pot for your plant can seem daunting, but with these tips, it becomes a much more manageable task. Start small, monitor your plant’s growth, and adjust as necessary. After all, gardening is as much about the journey as the destination. Enjoy nurturing your plants, learn from the challenges, and take pride in their growing, thriving garden.

There’s no ‘one size fits all’ solution in gardening. Different plants have different needs, and what works best for one plant might not work well for another. So don’t be afraid to experiment, observe, and learn from experience. May your garden grow and flourish.

7 Amazing Tips For Maximising Your Solar Energy Savings

7 Amazing Tips For Maximising Your Solar Energy Savings

As the world moves increasingly towards using renewable energy wherever possible, using solar power to generate electricity is becoming a trendy choice for many homeowners. Not only does it reduce your family’s carbon footprint, but it can also save you money on your electricity bills, which, of course, helps your household budget.

Below are seven excellent tips to maximise savings using solar energy.

Choose The Correct Solar System

Choosing the right solar system is crucial in maximising your energy savings; you need to consider a range of factors, such as the size of your home, your electricity usage, the climate in your area, and any potential future changes in your energy needs. A reputable solar panel company can help you determine the appropriate size and type of solar system you need for your home.

Hire Professionals For Proper Installation

Installing them properly is essential to work well and last longer; the installer will follow all the necessary guidelines and regulations to ensure your solar system is installed safely and effectively. They will also know where to pop them on your roof and what angle to place them in to ensure that your panels receive maximum sunlight.



Which Kind of Air Conditioning Unit is Right for You

If your home has not been fitted with air conditioning by a professional, you’ll know what it’s like to be uncomfortably hot day and night during the heat of summer. You will undoubtedly have spent many nights tossing and turning, trying vainly to find an excellent spot on the sheets. You may even consume much time at the mall throughout the day just to get some relief from the heat.

Installing air conditioning in your home will be one of your best decisions. But it is essential to get the right kind. The correct type of air-con and the right size for your home are also necessary. There are three main choices for air conditioners.

  • A ducted system – is expensive to retrofit and impossible for a flat-roofed house. Excellent choice for new builds.
  • A split system reverse cycle – easy to retrofit but generally only cools one room well – depending on the home’s layout. It can heat as well.
  • A window system – smaller yet, cheaper and much noisier than the split system, but better than nothing. It does not reverse cycle, so it can’t heat as well.

If your home was built without air conditioning and you are on a budget, #2 or #3 would be your choice. Go for the split system if you can possibly manage it. These are almost noise-free inside the home and more efficient than those in the window cavity. They look much nicer too. However, they do have to be installed by a professional as they are not plug-ins.


7 Pro Tips For Restoring Your Landscaped Garden After A Damaging Storm

7 Pro Tips For Restoring Your Landscaped Garden After A Damaging Storm

There are many things that those with landscaping can control to look after their garden. They can choose how often to have garden maintenance, when the lawn is going to be mowed, what to feed the plants, and what irrigation system is to be used. Conversely, there are some things that a homeowner has no control over, and one of those is the weather.

Hopefully, for most of you reading this, the weather where you live is conducive to landscaping and everything within its design thriving. That will mainly be down to the many hours of sunshine it receives, provided that you have taken steps to ensure it receives enough water whether from a watering can, a hose, or a fully functioning irrigation system.

We also assume that, if you have many hours of sunshine, you are not too often blighted by long spells of rain or even snow in the winter months, and therefore do not have to worry about flooding or frost adversely affecting the plants in your garden.

What no one can be sure of though is that they will not have to endure a storm. Storms are extremely rare in some areas, however, when they do occur they can cause havoc and, worse than that, they can be destructive. That destruction can mean overnight your landscaping can go from being an idyllic haven to something resembling a scene from an apocalyptic movie.

Even moderate storms can cause a fair degree of damage and upheaval in a landscaped garden which will leave you many things that you have to put right. Read on and we will outline seven of our favourite professional restoration tips for fixing up landscape gardens after they have suffered storm damage.


Prevent Water Damage To Your Carpet

7 Reasons Why Professionally Cleaning Carpets Is Always The Best Option

Whenever it is obvious that the time has come to clean the carpets in your home, the decision as to whether you use professional carpet cleaners such as Brilliance Carpet Cleaning Perth or do it yourself has to be made. There will be some who will tell you that you should clean carpets yourself as it is the “cheapest” option. Others will insist that the only way to truly have clean carpets is to use a professional carpet cleaning company.

The choice is yours, but if you are swaying towards using professional carpet cleaners, but need just a bit more persuasion, then you should consider the main benefits of professional carpet cleaning. There are several, and if you read on you will discover seven reasons why many people believe having their carpets professionally cleaned is the best option.

Carpets Are Fully And Properly Deep Cleaned: We will start with the most obvious reason for using professional carpet cleaners and that is that the best possible job will be done which will manifest itself in superbly clean carpets. More than that, it will be a deep clean that removes all the dirt, grime and bacteria which might be lurking within the fibres of your carpets.


The Pros And Cons Of 7 Of The Most Popular Kitchen Worktop Surfaces

The Pros And Cons Of 7 Of The Most Popular Kitchen Worktop Surfaces

One of the most significant choices you have to make when renovating your kitchen is what type of worktop surface you are going to have. Not only do you need to ensure that the colour and style fits with the rest of the design, but more importantly, the decision on the materials your worktop is made from is crucial.

What does not make the choice of worktop any easier is that there are multiple options. As a result, many kitchen refits are delayed because making a final decision on the worktop is too difficult for the customer. Trying to balance the practicalities of a worktop surface, the colour options, and the cost is not easy for everyone.

To ensure that you are not left in the same quandary we have outlined the pros and cons of seven of the most popular worktop surfaces. If you are still unsure, then we strongly recommend you seek advice from a professional kitchen design company such as Kitchen Professionals.

#1 Quartz

Quartz worktops provide a durable and non-porous surface created by blending natural materials with resin.


  • Extremely durable
  • Easy to clean
  • Antibacterial
  • Colour choices are extensive


5 Reasons You Should Be Thinking About Landscaping

7 Tips That Will Ensure You Choose The Right Landscaping Company

Whenever a homeowner decides to employ professional landscapers to design and create landscaping for their garden, several questions need to be answered. These questions include “How much is their budget?”, “What theme will the design have?”, and “Which features are to be included?”.

All of the above questions are important but there is one question that should supersede all of these questions and that is “Which landscape design company are you going to employ?”.  A reliable choice will always be Martin Cuthbert Landscapes. Thankfully, most homeowners show due diligence in making that choice and to help you take that same care, here are 7 tips to ensure you choose the right landscaping company.

Determine If They Do Landscape Design Only Or Landscape Design And Construction: As you research landscaping companies you will see that some offer landscape design only, which then entails you employing a second company to fulfil the construction. This can work, but the ideal scenario is a landscaping company that will both design, and construct, the landscaping, meaning the same company is responsible for fulfilling the entire project.

Request To See Examples Of Their Previous Landscape Designs: By far the most effective way to evaluate whether a landscaping company is the right one is to ask to see some of their existing landscaping. Apart from this allowing you to see the quality of their work, as a bonus it can provide you with some ideas as to what it might be possible to create within your landscape design.


5 Reasons You Should Be Thinking About Landscaping

5 Reasons You Should Be Thinking About Landscaping

As a home or business owner, you will be required to make a lot of decisions in life. One of those decisions might be whether or not you put any time, effort, or money into landscaping, gardening and lawn care.

We don’t tend to spend as much time in our gardens as we do in our homes, which may be why some people can be on the fence about whether they want to focus on this part of their property. However, aside from its aesthetics, there are many reasons why now could be the right time to start thinking about landscaping.

To Increase Your Property Value

Even in a hot property market with homes being snapped up quickly, spending time and money on landscaping can often lead to even higher returns. Your return on investment (ROI) can also be exceptional.

Some people also find that even between two similar homes, a neatly manicured yard with care and effort put into landscaping can be the deciding factor for many prospective purchasers.


Skills And Expertise Needed To Create Your Interior Design Business Website

Skills And Expertise Needed To Create Your Interior Design Business Website

Whenever you need or want a new website for your interior design business, there is a number of ways you could approach it. You might attempt to build it yourself, you could employ an individual or you could follow the advice that the web designers at give to anyone who asks them about website design.

That advice is that you have to remember that your website is your online presence and, given how important the internet has become when people are researching companies and businesses, it is essential that your website promotes you in the best possible way.

This means that all possible resources should go into the design of your website so that it loads properly, pages open quickly, everything works on the site, the content and media educate, entertain, and inform visitors, and at all times it operates in a way that will take someone a step forward from being simply a ‘browser’ to a paying client.

The risk of building your own website, or entrusting it to a well-meaning and diligent freelancer, is that the resources available to you and them are simply not sufficient to create a website for your interior design business that is likely to achieve what you want it to. By resources, we are not just talking about the tangible ones like tools, software, and design templates, but intangible ones, which are actually far more valuable.


Child-Friendly Kitchen Tips

Child-Friendly Kitchen Tips

When you start looking at different kitchens in preparation for designing and building your own, it’s easy to just look at the materials and colours to form your dream kitchen. However, suppose you’re in a busy household with young children. In that case, it can sometimes be worth factoring their needs and safety into the design, as well.

Even though children don’t stay young forever, there are plenty of small, subtle changes you can make to a standard kitchen design to ensure it caters to them now and in the future.

Rounded Edges

There are plenty of beautiful, sharp-edged cabinets out there that meet the mark for style and functionality. But then you start thinking about how many times your kids have fallen over and bumped their heads. With that in mind, it can be a good idea to consider rounded-edge countertops instead.

They are not a significant change from a standard one, but they have smoother edges that can end up being more forgiving to a young child’s head, should they slip and fall.

Touch-Free Faucets

Touch-free faucets are not only convenient for homeowners but also for their kids. If children are not tall enough to comfortably turn a tap on and off, it’s easy enough for them to turn on scalding-hot water and accidentally burn themselves accidentally.

Touch-free faucets often come with the added benefit of allowing you to pre-set the water temperature. That single feature can offer much-needed peace of mind.



Laundry Needs Some Love? Here’s How to Make It Look Fabulous

The laundry can sometimes be one of the most neglected areas of your home. Even though you might hire cabinet makers and other professionals to give other parts of your home the love they need, the laundry never seems to fare as well.

In fact, according to bathroom and laundry specialists some people just tuck their washing machines and dryers in the garage, rather than give them a space of their own. If you want to put as much effort into your laundry as you did your bathroom renovation, kitchen, and other areas, then here’s how to go about it.

Criticize Your Laundry

The first step to getting that gorgeous new laundry you’ve always wanted is to criticize the one you’ve got. Why don’t you like it?

Does it lack storage? Is it dark and dinghy? Is its cabinetry falling apart? Or, maybe, it doesn’t have any cabinetry at all. Identify these problems, and you can avoid making them with your laundry renovation.

Hire a Cabinet Maker

Laundries can be challenging spaces to work with, especially if you are not the first owner of your home. There may be quirky plumbing with which to contend, not to mention a lack of storage or storage in all the wrong places.

Rather than deal with this nightmare on your own, it can be worth hiring a cabinet maker. They can walk you through not only the best placement of cabinetry but the best designs that make your laundry stand out for all the right reasons.


Does Your Landscaping Website Need SEO?

Does Your Landscaping Website Need SEO?

If you do a search on Google for landscaping companies in your area, does yours appear? If it does not, it means your competitors are gaining customers online instead of you, and this is why the SEO experts at are advising those landscape companies who are not appearing at the top of Google’s results to seriously think about having an SEO plan created and implemented.

It could be that you have avoided SEO due to the fact that you are unsure how it will benefit you, and most importantly whether it will actually give you a return on your investment versus the quicker, but also the more expensive option, of paid advertising.

There is no denying that paid advertising or pay per click as it is more often called, can provide you with almost instant results. By setting up ads, and bidding on certain keywords, you could have traffic clicking through to your website within an hour or two. That sounds great, but the problem is, if you have a limited budget, then likewise you will see limited traffic.

This will be especially so if you are bidding on the same keywords, or search terms, that your competitors are. Worse, if there are larger landscaping companies with bigger advertising budgets than your landscaping company, they can simply outbid you on the cost per click and get traffic at the best times of the day when most people are likely to be searching for a landscaping company.


Building Materials - 5 Myths About Epoxy Floor Coatings

Building Materials – 5 Myths About Epoxy Floor Coatings

If you have been researching floor coatings as you search for suitable building materials for your home, you will undoubtedly have come across some information relating to epoxy flooring, and if you haven’t, well you have now. Whilst there are plenty of excellent posts and articles about epoxy floor coatings, there is also a fair amount of misinformation.

We are not suggesting that any of it deliberately trying to mislead people, but instead, it comes from misunderstandings, and also from hearing, and then repeating myths about epoxy floors. So, to help those who are looking for facts about epoxy flooring we thought it was only right to call out those myths and explain why they are simply not true.

Myth #1: Epoxy Floors Are Slippery

This is one of the most common myths you will hear about epoxy floors, and it no doubt arises due to the smooth and shiny surface which epoxy floors have. Contrary to the myth, most epoxy floors are slip-resistant, and there are even specific epoxy coatings that have tiny, raised bumps that prevent slipping or skidding for floors in locations where slips and falls are a particular hazard, such as hospitals, and manufacturing units.

Myth #2: Epoxy Floors Coating Have To Be Recoated Regularly

One of the reasons we can dispel this myth is that it is well-known that epoxy floor coatings have a long lifespan, and this is why so many businesses choose it. It is able to stand up to heavy footfall and can also withstand normal wear and tear within buildings such as industrial facilities and factories.

Its durability is further evidenced by the fact that epoxy floor coatings can endure spillages including oil, solvents, and chemicals, which many other floor coatings cannot.


Prevent Water Damage To Your Carpet

How To Prevent Water Damage To Your Carpet

One of the things that can often cause carpets to need replacing is water damage, but it is also true that if certain steps are taken, they can be given a reprieve. These can involve getting a professional cleaning company to rescue and restore your carpets, and you can also take steps yourself which can help with that objective.

A critical element of whatever actions you take is that you act as quickly as possible. Every minute that you delay or ponder what you are going to do, is a minute where the water is doing ever-increasing damage to your carpets.

To give you a head start just in case you unfortunately ever find yourself in this kind of situation, we have outlined several ways in which you can help protect and save your carpets from water damage.

The first objective is to remove as much of the water from the carpet as possible. Obviously, the more water there is, the more difficult this is going to be, but nevertheless it needs to be done.


Choose the Right Security Company

How Do I Choose the Right Security Company for My House?

Home security is a major consideration in the modern world, especially in major urban areas where crime rates are increasing. For many people, installing security cameras and CCTV is a logical choice when it comes to protecting their property.

However, it’s important to spend a little time choosing the right security company, or else you risk running into problems in the future. Unfortunately, this is a lot easier said than done. Not all companies are equal, and not all offer the high level of service you deserve.

Because of this, we’ve put together the following guide to help you choose the right security company to look after your home. Consider the following:

Check Online Reviews and Ask for Recommendations

One of the best ways to choose a reliable security company with your best interests at heart is to check online reviews. A quick internet search will usually bring up numerous reviews from past clients, and you’ll be able to use these to make an informed decision about your choices.

At the same time, it’s always worth asking friends or family if they have any recommendations. Speak with people who are currently using some sort of security system and find out if their provider is a good option.



Most Useful Cleaning Technologies That Could Change Your Life

If you were to ask someone whether they preferred cleaning or holidaying, you would be unlikely to find anyone who would prefer to be scrubbing toilets than sunbathing.

Cleaning is most people’s least favourite thing to do because it’s hard. Fortunately, new technology exists to make it a whole lot easier. You still won’t choose it over a holiday, but at least you won’t be breaking your back for a sparkling clean home. Read on to learn what you should be welcoming into your home with open arms.

Robot Vacuum Cleaners

There used to be a time where we thought robots would take over the world. To a degree, they have, but at least they’re starting with cleaning our homes. Robot vacuum cleaners are becoming more advanced by the day and can undertake regular home cleaning whether or not you are home.

They have a base port they travel to and from, and they can often sense and move away from obstacles. As a rule, the more you spend on a robot vacuum cleaner, the more advanced and helpful it can be.

Robot Lawn Mowers

If it’s not enough that you can leave all your floor cleaning up to a robot, you can also leave your lawn care in its capable hands, too. Robot lawnmowers work with GPS to mow your lawns as you need. They have been so popular and cost-efficient that some councils have even installed them at local parks to save money. Spend more time doing the things you love and less time worrying about lawn care.


Clean Your Shower Door

How to Clean Your Shower Door Perfectly

No one would openly admit to liking all household chores. In fact, most people would go as far as to say they would prefer someone else did them for them. However, there comes a time when you have to bite the bullet and combat those messy floors, dirty shower screens, and piles of dishes yourself.

However, some tasks are easier than others, and shower screens are something with which many people can struggle. How do you make sure the glass looks as good as the day you bought it?

The problem is, cleaning your shower screen is not something you should do when it looks dirty, but as part of your daily routine. Unfortunately, a combination of soap scum and hard water can not only make your shower screen look dirty, but damage it as well. Over time, etching can occur, which is permanent. The more you clean your shower screen, the better it can look.

The best way to clean your shower screen so that it looks as good as new is to wipe it down after each use with a microfibre cloth or squeegee. While it might seem like a tedious chore, it’s all in the name of saving time on a deep clean and protecting your shower screen.

Follow up the wiping process with a quick spray of shower cleaner. Get in the habit of doing this after each daily shower you take. If you hang your squeegee in the shower on a hook, it’s a gentle reminder to complete this task before you get out.


Landscape for Entertaining

How to Landscape for Entertaining

If you love nothing more than spending time with family and friends, then your home setup and landscaping are essential. You wouldn’t, for example, invite your entire family over for dinner if you only had enough chairs for two people.

That’s why landscape design is essential when you’re catering to specific requirements. If it’s not right, you’re not able to do everything you had planned. Here’s how to incorporate your need for entertaining into your landscape design.

Plenty of Seating

When Australia puts on a show in the warm summer months, you can often be in the mood to invite all your friends and family around. You can share a cold beverage outside and enjoy the sun beating down in your lovely surroundings. If that sounds like your idea of fun, then ensure you incorporate plenty of seating and seating areas into your landscape design. Consider brick, wood, or concrete benches to encompass the outer edges of your deck, or invest in outdoor tables and chairs.

Al Fresco Dining

Not everyone has a home that’s suitable for dining. A lack of space can drive you outside, which is not necessarily a bad thing when the weather’s beautiful. Make sure your outdoor entertaining area is equipped for al fresco dining. Invest in a barbecue and even look at chillers and bar leaners to make it a full dining experience. You can elevate your al fresco dining area with the use of nice building materials such as stone cladding or timber floors.

Provide Shelter

It can reach over 30 degrees-Celsius in Australia during the summer with no trouble at all. If you pride yourself on being the best host, then don’t let your guests cook in the heat. Provide shade options – be it permanent or temporary. Buy sun umbrellas and shade clothes that form a vital part of your overall landscape design.


Pool Safety Regulations

What Pool Safety Regulations Exist In WA?

Swimming pools are dangerous. Drowning hazards pose a significant threat to pets and young children, which means that there are a range of safety regulations associated with swimming pools in Western Australia. The most notable of these surround the installation and maintenance of pool fencing which meets certain technical requirements.

Pool fence laws are very specific, and they outline what does and what doesn’t pass as an acceptable barrier. The good news is that your fence can be versatile – even things like pool fencing are acceptable under WA law.

Below is a brief outline of WA’s pool safety laws:

Pre-May 2016 & Post-May 2016 Pools:

The regulations are slightly different for pools built before and after May 2016. Before May 2016, your swimming pool barrier could include a door that was permanently fixed shut, and the rest of the barrier had to comply with the Australian Standard 1926.1-1993.

Post 2016 the laws were tightened to make swimming pool fences safer for children. Any pool built after 2016 must be enclosed by a barrier that meets the Australian Standards AS 1926.1-2007 and 1926.2-2012. One of the major changes under the new standards is that doors can no longer form part of the barrier surrounding a swimming pool.

The rest of this article will focus on the new post-May 2016 laws.

What Technical Requirements Does My New Pool Fence Have To Follow?

The technical requirements for WA pool fences are very strict, and must be followed closely. If they aren’t, you risk substantial penalties – including fines. Some of the technical requirements that you have to follow include:

Glass pool fences – All glass pool fences need to comply with the safety standards listed above. They also need to comply with the Australian Standard AS 1288-2006.


Landscape Design

Low Maintenance Landscape Design

The modern world is a bustling place. People have more things to do and less time to do them than ever before. This has led to a rise in the popularity of things like low-maintenance landscape design.

Sydney landscapers explain that, in simple terms, low-maintenance landscape design refers to the construction of outdoor spaces that look great, can be enjoyed in whatever ways appeal to you and don’t require much time or effort to keep them looking great. I know how hard it can be to create a low-maintenance outdoor space, so I’ve put together a list of my top tips to help you along the way:

Plant Things That Don’t Need A Lot Of Attention

According to landscape designers, one of the best ways to create a garden or outdoor space that doesn’t need a lot of care is to plant things that look after themselves. In most cases, these will be tough, hardy plants that won’t become sick or die if they get a bit dry or if you don’t fertilise them for a while. Choose plants that don’t need pruning regularly.

In Australian conditions, one of the best ways to create a low-maintenance garden area is to plant native species. These are usually tough, drought tolerant, and need little care. Do some research, find out which species suit your climate and soil type, and plant them. Native gardens can also become a refuge for wildlife, and who wouldn’t love to have a family of possums or colourful birds move into their backyard!

Consider A Minimalistic Style

Minimalist outdoor areas generally have few elements. The things they do have are simple and require little care. For example, you might install a few concrete paths, a large lawn area (using tough grass, of course) and a few hardy trees.


Backyard Entertainment Area

Your Pool and your Backyard Entertainment Area

It’s taken a while but you finally have the pool in your yard that you have been dreaming about. But it’s not over. It’s time to add accessories. Some unique landscaping and decorating will enable you to personalise your backyard. There are so many ways to do it as well.

According to landscape designers in Perth, Principal Landscapes, landscape design that includes outdoor pool furniture, rock gardens, water features, trees, and flowers will look great. Here are a few ways you can give it that wow factor look

According to The Landscape Association, landscaping is not just about plants. Proper landscape design goes way beyond that concept. Your pool needs to be in an environment that will be appealing and comfortable and more importantly, accessible. Once you have constructed the deck and your patio, the plants you choose to dress up the area should be ones that will flourish in our Australian weather. If in doubt, check with your landscape designer. Things to look at in your plan will be coordinating your landscape design to mesh with that of your house and in a sensible proportion. You do not want plants and flowers that shed leaves all year round and causing debris to fall into your pool or onto your deck. Don’t forget that trees and plants are great for privacy, but never let them overtake your backyard as they create problems with root systems and hence the drainage.


Timber Fencing

Fencing Types To Consider & Their Uses

Fencing is available in many different types, and each type has its pros and cons, and are designed to meet various standards.

Timber Fencing: The versatility of wood is unquestionable when utilised for fencing. It can be cut into different shapes and sizes to fit any project to help the look. There are many types of wood available such as pine and hardwoods if budget is not a constraint. You can improve the longevity of timber fencing by staining or painting it.

Timber Fencing

Aluminium Fencing: This metal is easy to use and can last a long time with very little maintenance required to keep it looking good. You can colour treat it as well to make it look less like aluminium and to match the building. When compared to steel it is a little cheaper.

Aluminium Fencing

Chain Link Fencing: This is one of the most common types of fencing and can be used for boundary marking, keeping kids and pets safely inside as well as for many commercial uses on securing buildings and areas. Chain link is easy to install and probably the most inexpensive to use.

Chain Link Fencing

Vinyl Fencing: It lasts forever (almost), and requires very little maintenance and cleaning. You can have it a colour that matches your house. It can be used as a decorative fence or privacy and boundary marking. Its ability to weather all conditions makes it a popular and sensible choice.


Protecting Timber Floor

Protecting Your Timber Floor

You have made the decision to have timber flooring installed, you love the look, but what about ongoing maintenance. That doesn’t mean a daily grind of of working on the timber flooring. It’s just a bit of advice for cleaning, looking after and protecting your new asset.

There is a combination of factors that will eventually wear down and scratch the floor coating over time. Things like dust, people coming and going, sunlight and moisture, to name a few. Timber is a natural product, not manufactured, so it has some unique properties that have to be considered. By taking a few simple steps, you can limit these factors and ensure your timber decks and its coating lasts years.

Less Dirt = Less Scratching

Timber is a pretty resilient material so the scratching we are talking about is more than likely being done to the coating rather than the floor itself. If you want to keep the floor looking brand new then you can adopt a few floor care techniques.

The floor coating can be scratched with each footstep as it brings in dust, grit and other small foreign objects. Cleaning regularly will help greatly and by not doing so, the shiny, polished floor will become dull and sustain damage.


Timber Fence

How to Get the Look of a Timber Fence Without the Maintenance

Timber is a beautiful and traditional fencing material that comes in many wonderful styles and can be painted in many different colours, making it a popular choice for fencing. But many fencing contractors would be able to point to other options that will give you the same look and advantages of timber without the high cost of maintenance.

For instance, there is aluminium available in wood-grained slats the colour of timber. By using such a material you can mimic a timber fence without worrying about using up the earth’s resources. Although truthfully, timber is a renewable resource with many plantations of pine and other species grown especially for the building trade.


Experienced Removalist

When You Have To Move

Everybody has their own take and ideas on what a removalist service really means. Individuals are just that – individuals, and not every customer will want the same things done as every single household removal job will be unique.

Having said that, an experienced removalist knows that customers typically want specific services that are common to all jobs. And if they are not common then the removal company should initiate them.

  • Quick turnaround on quotations. If you have to chase a service provider because they are too busy or they have neglected to get back to you, it should be a warning sign that their future performance might be lacking as well.
  • Good Advice and a bit of Direction. There are not a lot of customers who might call themselves seasoned veterans when it comes to moving their home or office. Clients will want some proactive advice and guidance rather than thinking further down the track when a problem hits: “Nobody told me that.”


Instant Lawn

Instant Lawn

There’s no doubt about it that laying down instant turf, is the best way to get that lush green front or back yard as quick as a DIY project. And there’s a lot of satisfaction in sitting back after a weekend of digging, raking, levelling and swearing with a cold beer and looking at a beautiful green lawn right in front of you. But you now know that there is a lot of careful preparation required before installing roll on lawn, and that is to be followed up with proper maintenance.


This is not a job you would have planned for autumn or winter. You need to pick the right time of year. In Spring, a young man’s fancy turns to outdoor BBQ’s and backyard entertainment. In Australia, we have four seasons – even Melbourne boasts four seasons, it’s just that they have it in one day! The best time to be planning this project is very late Winter or early Spring. But any time in Spring is okay if you want to have your lawn for most of summer. Just be aware of water restrictions.


Hire Professional Removalist

Why Hire Professional Removalist and Packing Services?

Hiring a team of professional removalists is the best way to avoid unnecessary stress and anxiety when moving to your new home. While borrowing a van from your friends and packing your things in boxes yourselves might seem cheaper, doing so might not only cost you more but also needlessly eat up time and effort that may be better expended elsewhere. Ultimately, professional removalists are the best people who can expertly handle different types of moving tasks from homes, apartments, to offices.

To make the best of the expert assistance from removalists such as Business Movers, the first thing you need to do is research on companies offering removal services in your area. Apart from checking out the price, it is advisable to inquire about the scope of their services. Sometimes, a lower price is given for carrying more items. At times, packages and packaging are also offered. By making thorough inquiries as to the amount of work that the removalists will actually do and extra services they offer will help you find the best deal.

